
dark side


the author

The author, who has chosen to remain anonymous, is a middle-class divorced man in search of a prospective soul mate. While he has achieved some of this educational and professional goals to a degree, he does not enjoy the well-rounded life that many married people, or divorced people with children, enjoy. The man named Ronald Carter Burns in this non-fictional account has traveled to many places in the world from time to time. He is intrigued by foreign languages and cultures, as well as science, notably astronomy. Ronald has a disturbing tendency to empathize in excess and to trust other people and their motives in ways that can be damaging to him personally. While he is well informed in many areas, he sometimes lacks the common sense and astuteness required by today\’s 4595 technologically and financially based society. These traits play a significant role in his being duped in an all-too4596 common tragic online romance scenario.


the book

Seduced By The Dark Side as a book title required little brainstorming as it occurred to me shortly after my decision to write a book detailing my disastrous cyberspace adventure. This title describes my inner experience dramatically and accurately. From the time of its beginning on Saturday morning, October 16, at approximately11:00 a.m. until Tuesday afternoon, February 8, my life was immersed in a seemingly blissful online relationship that had taken complete control of my thought process.

The individual in whom I had confided with reassurances of faithfulness and loyalty, turned out to be an unprincipled criminal eager to seize my financial assets greedily and mercilessly, and with no regard for me as a fellow human being.

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